Time and Tide – Community Opera

Time and Tide

On 24 and 25 October an exciting new community opera, ‘Time and Tide’, will be performed at Clevedon Community Centre to mark the 150th anniversary of the building of Clevedon Pier.

Time and Tide will celebrate the Pier and enrich the artistic, particularly musical, culture of Clevedon. The project will combine children and students in performance alongside adults.  Amateurs will perform with professionals. The music will reflect songs of the sea and the Victorian sea-side in a classical, yet contemporary, style. The words will include ideas from participants and convey, with the music, a sense of the winds, waves and tides. The choir will narrate the moving story of the pier, from its conception to its Victorian heyday, through its neglect, damage and near demolition in the 1970s. We will finally arrive at the pier’s rescue and restoration; a moving story of survival against the odds.

Time and Tide is to be a large-scale, intergenerational music theatre project, an innovation which will bring together the community of this small seaside town in a high quality artistic enterprise, led by an experienced artistic team. Students from Clevedon School and children from local primary schools, will perform alongside professional soloists and musicians.

Time and Tide music is by Mark Lawrence with words by Claire Williamson, known for the recently performed community operas ‘Home at Last’ performed at St Mary Redcliffe and ‘The Hall on the Hill’, performed at St George’s, Brandon Hill, in Bristol.

We have been promised support from other local singing groups, so there will be a core of singers accustomed to performing. Teach tracks will be available for participants to practice at home. If you would like to be part of the Open Access Community Choir, and are able to attend rehearsals weekly in the run up to the performances for around an hour, please come along and have a go. You don’t have to pay a subscription to do so.

Rehearsals:                          Monday 9, 23 and 30 September and 14 October. (Additional dates may be added if appropriate).

Place:                                     Kenn Road Methodist Church, BS  (opposite Tesco)

Time:                                      7.20 to 9.30

Dress Rehearsals:              19 and 23 October at Clevedon School and Princes Hall

Please email clevedonchoral@gmail.com to register your interest, stating SATB voice part if known.

Time and Tide is sponsored by the Arts Council. We welcome additional offers of sponsorship and assistance  

Piers and Picnics

The sun always seems to shine on our end of Summer Choir concerts. This must have been the hottest yet! On Saturday 4th August we entertained an appreciative crowd on Clevedon Pier with a selection of songs and ending with a hearty rendition of ‘ Drunken Sailor’. On Sunday we performed again to friends and family at Sunhill Park, Clevedon then quickly retreated to the shade for a well earned picnic. Thank you to all who took part and came along to support us.

New Autumn/Christmas Term 2018

Our new term begins on Monday 10th September 2018 at our usual rehearsal venue at Kenn Road Methodist Church. Rehearsals start at 7.30pm, but we ask members to arrive at 7.15pm to allow time to register etc. New members always welcome.

This year we will be working towards out Christmas Concert on Saturday 15th December when we will perform ‘A Light in the Stable’ by Alan Bullard. A lovely piece which tells the Christmas Story with a blend of original settings and more well-known carols. We will also be performing some of the Christmas settings from Handel’s ‘Messiah’.

Summer Choir 2018

We will be running our popular Summer Choir every Monday evening for 6 weeks from 25th June 2018. All welcome. We learn and sing a varied repertoire from show tunes, pop music and light choral pieces led by Elinor Cooper

The emphasis is on fun so give it a go!

Venue: Kenn Road Methodist Church, Clevedon

Time: 7.15pm-9pm

We will end with a performance on Clevedon Pier on Saturday 4th August (timing to be confirmed) and also a relaxed Bring and Share Picnic  on Sunday 5th August @ 14.30 in Sunhill Park next to Princes Hall Community Centre, Prince Rd, Clevedon.

Cost for Summer Choir is £25 for 6 weeks.

For more info and to sign up please contact clevedonchoral@gmail.com

Sunhill Park, Clevedon



A great Christmas Concert!


We were buzzing after the success of this years Christmas Concert ‘Sing Noel’, thank you to those who came to support us – we sold a record number of tickets!

Here are some photos taken by Chris Emmerson.



Picnic in the Park

Everyone enjoyed a big surprise when Clevedon Choral performed Teddy Bears’ Picnic at Sunhill Park.

Choir members and the audience brought along their teddy bears to add to the fun while the choir performed their outdoor summer concert. The show marked the finale for the summer choir, led by musical director Elinor Cooper, which has been rehearsing for the last six weeks. The audience, of friends and relatives, enjoyed their own picnic afterwards.

The musical programme, performed on July 16, also included I Do Like To Be Beside the Seaside, Tequila Samba, Amazing Grace and An Irish Blessing.

Thank you to those who came to our Spring Concert ‘In Paradisum’

We thoroughly enjoyed performing our Spring Concert at St John the Evangelist Church last Saturday. We have had very complimentary feedback on our performance and on the music programme. We were delighted to welcome some Bristol University Music Graduates to boost our volume in the tenors and bass section and provide beautiful solos. Thank you!

Spring Concert Sat 8th April 2017

Our upcoming concert is titled ‘In Paradisum’ taken from one of the movements of the beautiful ‘Requiem’ composed by Gabriel Fauré. We shall be singing the entire piece  in addition to a selection of songs from the ‘Part Songs and Madrigals’ publication.

The concert will take place on Saturday 8th April 2017 @ St John Evangelist Church, Queens Road, Clevedon. Further details to be announced
