Singing in the sunshine

We had a fantastic turnout for our Summer Choir 2016 -we were delighted to see so many new faces. Thank you to all of you, we hope you enjoyed it!

Sunhill Park, Clevdon
Performance and Picnic, Sunhill Park, Clevedon


Come and sing @ our Summer Choir 2016

Picnic in the Park

Summer Choir is open to all!


Our Summer Choir will be running for 6 weeks from Monday June 06 to Monday July 11

Elinor, our musical director, is planning a fun mix of music including The Beatles and Bowie and a selection of songs from Musicals.

The choir will take place at Kenn Methodist Church, Kenn Road, Clevedon on the Mondays mentioned above from 7.15pm-9pm

We will be ending with a picnic in Sunhill Park, Princes Hall Community Hall, to perform to friends and family on Sunday July 17

Please feel free to turn up on June 06 and give it a try!

Summer Choir 2016

We are running our popular Summer Choir this year for 6 weeks in June and July. You don’t have to be a member to come along, no auditions!  The sessions will be 7.30summer choir flyerpm til 9pm on Monday evenings at Kenn Road Methodist Church, Clevedon. STARTING Monday 6th June 2016

Cost £25 for 6 weeks